Kamis, 11 September 2014

Percakapan Memesan Tiket Pesawat


No & kelas: 24 XII TKJ3

Percakapan Memesan Tiket Pesawat

Travel Agent: Online Ticketing Travel Agent. May I help you?
You: Yes. I'd like to book a ticket to Jakarta for June 3th.
Travel agent: Let me see. I am sorry, for June 3th all morning flights are fully booked. We've got one left available for you. It's 17:45 flight by Lion Airs. Does that suit you, Sir?
You: If there are no other choices, I'll book it.
Travel agent: May I have your name, Sir.
You: Fluit
Travel agent: Could you spell it Sir?
You: F-L-U-I-T (Ef, El-Yu-Ai-Ti)
Travel agent: Done, Sir. We require that you pay for the ticket tomorrow afternoon before 2 pm. If you do not come to our office after 2 pm, we have to cancel your ticket.
You: OK, I'll drop by at 1 pm tomorrow.
Travel agent: Thank you, Sir
You: That's all right. (Sama-sama)

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